Below is a list of the most common insurance plans that Schoolhouse Pediatrics participates with. If your insurance carrier is not listed, please contact us at our Albany office and select the option for our Business Office. Please note that we do not participate with Wellcare, Martins Point or straight Medicaid. However, we do participate with the NYS Managed Care Plans through CDPHP, Fidelis, MVP and United Healthcare.
Where applicable, payment for service, including any co-payments, is expected during your visit.
Deductible Plans: Deductible plans are a contractual obligation between you and your insurance company. When our fees are applied to your deductible, payment is due to Schoolhouse Pediatrics upon receipt of your EOB (Explanation Of Benefits) for that office visit. A copy of your EOB will also be sent directly to Schoolhouse Pediatrics from the insurance carrier.